• DRUMBELT DBMP Support Belt for MarchingPercussion

DRUMBELT DBMP Support Belt for MarchingPercussion

5 in stock

The Drumbelt is the first scientifically designed and tested lumbar support belt for marching percussionists. Shifting the weight of marching percussion instruments away from the shoulders while reduced hip and back flexion, the Drumbelt fits almost all current percussion harnesses, regardless of manufacturer.

The adjustable velcro straps on the Drumbelt make it a one-size-fits-all product. The Drumbelt is made out of sturdy materials and can be used as an accessory to drum carrier devices for snare, tenor, and bass drums. The stability of the belt allows the drum to be held closer to the drummer's body which increases maneuverability. It has been shown to withstand repeated use, and is machine washable.

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